Non technical user

I agree, the terminology is useful and should be kept there, but more information would be helpful on what to do, and how to work with them. A lot of my problems were a result of router configuration, and generally being unfamiliar with the networking side in general. I can find my way around the command line easily enough, and can program pretty well, but Printers and Networks are certainly my weakness.

Or the auto-configuration could be improved.

  1. I have so far had issues with DMZ forwarding (recommended) due to what I assume is a CGNAT infrastructure used by the ISP. Took a while to figure this out through forum posts and web searches. This resulted in an issue with DynDNS via gnudip. See (Cannot successfully connect to dynamic DNS setup)
  2. I have had two issues with LetsEncrypt (Cannot access plinth) and (LetsEncrypt Name Mismatch Error)

As a semi-power user, I don’t mind these challenges, but the freedombox is certainly a long way still from being easy to use out the box like a cellphone.

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