Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsWatch this category for all updates related to the FreedomBox project. This includes information about new releases, hardware support, problems you may face and any need for rare manual operations on your FreedomBox.
SupportPost your queries about using FreedomBox. Get assistance from FreedomBox community with setting up and using applications or hardware.
Pioneer SupportThis category is for owners of the Pioneer FreedomBox Home Server. Come here to post questions and browse the support that others have received.
FeedbackAs FreedomBox project collects no data about your usage, your voice is the only way for the project contributors to understand what you wish.
Tips and TricksShare your favorite tips and tricks that you have discovered while using FreedomBox.
DevelopmentBrainstorm ideas into plans of action for improving FreedomBox. Post your development plans and get feedback from other developers.
Contributor InvitesAbout this category:
CommunityThis category is for community. Use it to discuss community events like meetups, the structure and governance of our community, general concerns you have about our community, or anything else which might fit into this category.