Tip: how to make Tiny Tiny RSS connections go through Tor

(sorry for my English)
I have configured TT-RSS to go through Tor making it more private. It may be useful to someone.

It is suitable for advanced people with experience in the command line. Make a backup/snapshot first.

  • Install Tor and Privoxy apps from FreedomBox’s web interface

  • Edit /etc/privoxy/config and add the following line to enable forwarding to Tor:
    forward-socks5t / .

  • Install Tiny Tiny RSS app from FreedomBox’s web interface

  • Edit /etc/tt-rss/config.php and add the following line to send HTTP(S) connections to Privoxy proxy:
    define('_HTTP_PROXY', '');

    It is a hidden configuration option of TT-RSS that I have found thanks to a blog. Note that this option may disappear in future updates of TT-RSS.

  • Restart FreedomBox to make all changes take effect

  • A packet capture can be done to ensure that HTTP(S) requests go through Tor

Warning: with this configuration DNS requests do not go through Tor. In my case I use DNS over TLS and it is acceptable for my threat model. There are ways for TT-RSS to use SOCKS5 directly but it involves modifying the source code.