I have been using datasystems24.net as my GnuDIP provider for DDNS since my first days with FreedomBox. This service stopped working a couple days ago, and my need for connectivity finally exceeded my dread of changing GnuDIP servers. It worked perfectly the first time.
- I created my account on ddns.freedombox.org for freedombox.fbx.one
- I changed my DNS CNAME from freedombox.sds-ip.de to freedombox.fbx.one
- I changed my Domain Name in plinth/sys/config to freedombox.fbx.one
- I got a new certificate for freedombox.fbx.one with Let’s Encrypt
- My certificate for my DNS hostname is still working
- I am able to connect to my freedombox from the outside again
Happy days! Thanks for your attention to detail which made this a joyful moment. My expectations were wildly exceeded.