[SOLVED] Rock64 4gb ram freedombox system free software?

Free software is software you can use, share, modify and redistribute. Is the rock64 4gb ram freedombox software entirely free software? No non free software on the computer what so ever?

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FreedomBox image for Rock64 board contains entirely free software. You can see how it is built entirely from Debian packages (in main) here. I uses Grub, u-boot, Linux, etc. However, Wi-Fi firmware is not shipped and you won’t be able use Wi-Fi connectivity without adding proprietary firmware.

Most ARM hardware has some boot and initialization firmware that may not be free. However, this is burnt in and can’t be updated by the user. So most people don’t seek for it to be free software.


Thank you for your commitment in providing us a free software alternative!

It is possible to use WiFi without using non-free (proprietary) software by using an Atheros_AR9271 WiFi usb dongle.

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