[Solved] Primary Interface DNS Server Setting Changed

Solution: Correct mistake in IP4 DNS server field of network configuration for primary interface.

I had a failure starting on or about 8 October where:

  1. Tiny Tiny RSS stopped working for my mobile client
  2. After a day or two dynamic DNS stopped working (could not resolve Freedombox hostname from internet)

Naturally this happened when I was travelling, so this morning I see the issue whereby the External interface IP4 DNS address was set to the internal shared interface private network IP address. I would be surprised if I had done that by mistake, so I’m not sure of the source of the issue. It is easily enough fixed, but I wonder if this was a bug in an update or an unplanned interaction with WireGuard client.

The DNS server entry of is pointing to the Freedombox internal interface address. This should not be so. Before I left home I was using OpenDNS and the IP6 OpenDNS server entries remained as expected. Only the IP4 DNS setting changed.

The logged error I found begain on October 10 at about 12:00:00 PM (not sure which TZ we’re looking at here. My TZ is UTC-7.

Failed to be update Dynamic DNS - [Errno -2] Name or service not known
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/plinth/modules/dynamicdns/init.py”, line 203, in _update_dns_for_domain
result, ip_address = gnudip.update(domain[‘server’],
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/plinth/modules/dynamicdns/gnudip.py”, line 27, in update
socket.connect((server, GNUDIP_PORT))
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

This error is probably complaining that dynamic DNS could not find the gnudip server for lack of a good DNS resolver.