FreedomBox ships the the file /etc/dovecot/freedombox-sieve-after/sort-spam.sieve to move emails with high spam score to the Junk folder. This file is compiled into a binary file /etc/dovecot/freedombox-sieve-after/sort-spam.svbin during the setup of the email app (using the command sievec /etc/dovecot/freedombox-sieve-after/. Dovecot should not have to compile this file again, I think.
Please do ls -l /etc/dovecot/freedombox-sieve-after and see what files are in the folder and their modification timestamps. See if running re-setup on email app fixes the issue (it should be safe). Otherwise, try running sievec /etc/dovecot/freedombox-sieve-after/ as root and restart system or dovecot.
Looks like FreedomBox setup process is doing its job properly and producing the .svbin file properly. I don’t know why dovecot would try to do this again and complain about permissions but it should completely harmless. There might be a setting for dovecot to let it know that it does need to compile sieve scripts.
Ok I’ve been monitoring the logs and it looks like it hasn’t happened since I re-ran the setup so I think that worked! I’ll mark this as solved for now but I’ll keep an eye.