[SOLVED] CSS issue on mobile

I want to report an issue with the CSS on mobile screens. There is an element causing overflow.

As far as I could track the issue, it seems to stem from this rule which hardcodes dimensions in an element.


.index-page .card-list::before, .apps-page .card-list::before, .system-page .system-section-title:first-child::before {
	position: relative;
	width: 25rem;
	height: 25rem;
	margin-left: -25rem;
	margin-bottom: -25rem;
	left: 18.75rem;
	top: -1.25rem;
	content: " ";
	background-size: 100%;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	z-index: -1;

My suggestion would be to replace the hardcoded rem units with vw (viewport width) units, but you might find a better solution since I’m not familiar with the project’s inner workings.

If this is not the best place to report these types of issues, I’d be happy to report elsewhere. I haven’t created a Salsa account yet since I don’t want to contribute with unnecessary noise with issues for developers, but I can if it’s the best course of action.


@fefekrzr, thank for reporting the issue. This was not an issue with units but with some lingering code related to background images we were showing earlier. I have submitted a fix and the changes should be available to you in about 2 weeks. ui: Drop remnants of already removed background images (!2608) · Merge requests · FreedomBox / FreedomBox · GitLab