RPi3B - Apps on external SSD

Good evening,

This is my first post on here so sorry if i chose the wrong category.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3B that i want to use as a NAS, so i setup nextcloud and created a couple of users, but when i upload files to that, they go to the SD Card instead of the SSD (connected through a USB to SATA adapter).

What can I do to move the files in the SSD and set it as the “main” drive for all the apps?

I am using all the newest versions and updates.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I also have a RPi4 but I am currently using it for another project, however, I could consider switching to it as a last resort.

Hi @zR3D

Is your FBX installation on the external drive or the SD card (does your pi boot from the SSD)?


Hello, thanks for answering so quickly!

I installed FBX on the SD Card through Raspberry Pi Imager.

Hi @zR3D

As far as i know, nextcloud works in a container within fbx. If your fbx is on the sdcard, then your nextcloud installation is too.
now, if there is a way to point both the container and nextcloud to your external drive; that i do not know how to do.
however, if its only disk space you’re concerned about, then i recommend you install fbx on the external drive and boot it from there. this way, the nextcloud container will be on the external disk too.

Oh ok, I got it, I’ll reinstall FBX on the SSD.
What if i also want to add another SSD to the setup as a redundancy drive, will the FBX installation be copied too or only the apps?

sorry, i didnt understand the question.

My bad, English is not my main language.

What I mean is: can I use two SSDs where one is for FBX and the nextcloud data, and the other is a copy of the first one in case that drive fails?

sure you can.
you can use cockpit to clone your drives, configure FBX to make backup copies on your second drive or use a tool of your choice (i.e. rsync, borg etc).


Thanks for your help! I am taking the opportunity to backup everything i have on the RPi4 and install FBX there but i have an issue. I’ll open another thread on that

I created an issue on Gitlab to keep track of this: