Raspberry PI5 and Freedombox

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Problem Description
I am using freedombox on a PI 3, now i want to install Freedombox on a new PI 5
can give u some tips, when i use the Raspberry pi Imager freedombox is not in the list.
Can i use the PI4 image?

We want to support Raspberry Pi 5 and provide images for it. However, the mainline kernel and the Debian linux package do not have support for Raspberry Pi 5 yet. So, we are waiting on that. I recently started seeing kernel updates for Raspberry Pi 5 support. Hopefully, in a few months we would have that and FreedomBox will start building images.

Meanwhile, the best bet is to use the Raspbian or Debian images provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and install freedombox as a package on top of that. In such a setup, the kernel and firmware updates are done by scripts provides by the foundation but the rest to be as expected on a typical FreedomBox. The image for Raspberry Pi 4 is unlikely to work.


When i install a image from the raspberry Pi Foundation, and i want to enable the SSH in the edit settings option, the raspberry gets a hostname (raspberry.local) must i change this in freedombox,local?

When freedombox package is installed, it brings in openssh-server as dependency and sets it up. So, I suppose you won’t have do anything more. It is not necessary to change the hostname from ‘raspberry’ to ‘freedombox’. The .local domain should work with FreedomBox no matter what it is.

Thanks for the update and workaround with freedombox package.
This means there is no way to install pure Debian on Raspberry Pi 5?
Is there any beta version to test?

Linux kernel 6.12, which contains “initial” Raspberry Pi 5 support, is now in Debian unstable. I don’t know what limitations might be implied by “initial”, but if you think of unstable as beta, you could try booting unstable on Pi 5.