Munin use case (long term monitoring)

System/Performance feedback

Metrics works well with in containers but with some Olimex SBC I observe that data from pcp may be not found as in this issue or are not well dated as above.

My guess is that we may need to find a workaround the lack of good clock at early boot time and/or maybe a JS problem in cockpit code (unfortunately I still need to learn to debug with Firefox :thinking:).

By the way, doing tests to try understanding, it seems that disabling Performance App may not suspend cron pcp associated tasks, if I notice correctly this may be a kind of bug.

And also:

munin samples

I am happy to run two Olimex LIME2 and recently intend to run a public Tor relay. Tor Relay Guide, Relay Post-install and good practices suggests munin that helps me as you may want to see :slight_smile:

I would like to make, with your help, munin as a FreedomBox available app.

Do you thing this could be planed ?

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