Let us discuss marketing here

Sorry for the delay, for some reason forum notifications come in via promotions tab in gmail…fixing it to always hit the main inbox.

Im eastern time, and can do something around night time if during the week, usually 9pm (after putting kids to sleep).

Otherwise, Saturdays and Sundays after 12pm are best.

Of course, don’t let me hold up the group if we can’t find a time - I can follow minutes and get 1 off tasks to assist the team.

Thanks for the reminder in needing to meet.

@sunil @madihaz - I’m playing around with different platforms. Let me know if you would like to use a slack like alternative to talk//updates in between meetings with a mattermost instance I spun up.


Sunil, let me know if you are interested and I can make you admin.

@allenpg @mzchoksi I can only tag two people at a time, but obvious this is for anyone who want to talk marketing/communications. All are welcome.

Hi all! Thanks so much for sharing the mattermost instance @profetik777. I created an account and am on the thread. Thank you also for sharing your availability - @allenpg does a weeknight around 9pm EST work for you?

If so, may I suggest we meet on Thursday at 9pm and see where we’re at with the use cases language, and continue chatting about Reddit/social media marketing platforms. I have written some things up and will paste them into the CryptPad later tonight or tomorrow.

Can everyone access them ok? Of course, all are welcome and encouraged!

@profetik777 what about a Matrix room instead of Mattermost? Many are already using Matrix for discussing Freedombox, and matrix-synapse is part of the Freedombox universe.

Does matrix allow for “channels” or “sub-rooms?”

This way - as we grow, I imagine folks who just want to do social can be part of the social channels, etc. Esp. when it comes to feedback loops…

I might be over-engineering a solution here - but it might be nice to “grow” into it as more members join marketing team.

Of course, if everyone is all about doing matrix, we can do that instead.

This is an example of what i was talking about image

break up the segments of marketing and funnel volunteers to chat, synergize there.

In Matrix there are rooms, and it would be easy to set up separate rooms for break-off groups. As far as I can tell there are no subordinate rooms, though (and I can see why that is attractive).

I’m happy to work with either platform!

Hi everyone! Just circling back to a meeting to get rolling on our marketing ideas @allenpg and @profetik777. Would this weekend, say Saturday or Sunday around 12 noon EST be a good time for you? Of course, all are welcome.

I can do sat. 12pm :smiley:

Perfect! Here is a Jitsi Meet link for us: https://jitsi.debian.social/FBMarketingCheckIn

Looking forward! @allenpg let us know if this works for you.

Till soon,

Are we still meeting? Just us?

Hi! I’m very happy to, but what do you think? I can wait for a time when all 3 of us are available in the next few days or next weekend at the latesT? In the mean time I can finalize the use case language and present a plan for site upgrade and then we can get moving on Reddit marketing. Those are my thoughts…looking forward to your thoughts!

Sounds good. Ill just move things forward w on ramp of new recruits sign up form etc.

Great! Thank you so much – how about we sayThursday evening, say 8pm or 9pm? Which is better? I would like us to meet soon. If @allenpg still can’t make it, we’ll move forward and share what we have?

One other thing to discuss, before I forget, is thinking about how we can assemble/package our own sets of kits of FreedBox’ tied to each use case, and sell them directly through the website. This would mean we need to finalize marketing (which is underway), support (which I believe we already have), and fulfillment which I would love ideas/perspective on.