Has anyone using the Pioneer FBX installed Wireguard?

I bought my FBX in mid-April, its being used behind a router in my home. My current software version of FBX is 20.7.

I’ve now managed to install my Dynamic DNS and Let’s Encrypt Cert. I’m moving on to Wireguard and I’m hoping someone maybe has some advice? This is what I’m currently getting when trying to install Wireguard.

Error installing application: ‘gi.repository.NM’ object has no attribute ‘SETTING_WIREGUARD_SETTING_NAME’


Wireguard is not available in Debian stable which is the default with Pioneer HSK. The above error will be fixed soon but Wireguard will still not be available in stable release.

I see there’s a wireguard package in buster-backports. Has anyone tested it on FreedomBox?

@jvalleroy , we also depend on Network Manager support for Wireguard. A version of NM with Wireguard support is not available in buster-backports yet.

@Nomad, I tried to make sure users see a reasonable message and not the error you saw. However, when I tried to reproduce the error, I could not. I see a proper error:

This is on a buster VM with latest FreedomBox. What am I doing differently?

I don’t think you did anything wrong? I Just tried to install WireGuard again and get the same error message all the time. Take a look :slight_smile:

It’s strange.

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This forum has been great with all the help from different people. We are all after the same thing, privacy and security. I will do what I can to help my peers.


This page should not have allowed to click on install. Could you post the output of the following command?

apt policy wiregaurd

the error message is the output. When I click install it goes through the process of installing and then I get the error message.

For anyone out there looking to use WireGuard on FreedomBox Pioneer Edition or Debian Stable, please note that you can still manually install and configure WireGuard from buster-backports. (FreedomBox is unable do this automatically for you because it depends on a recent version of Network Manager).

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Hmmmm? So maybe the answer to this riddle is this. I’m using PurismOS. Which is a pure blend of debian but it’s using a librem kernel. The Linux kernal has WireGuard but does the librem kernel use also include WireGuard.? output So I ran that command and this is the output.

@Nomad you can ask Purism regarding the librem kernel. PureOS sometimes has different packages and package versions compared to Debian.

I would ask in the Purism forum about your PurismOS specific question: https://forums.puri.sm/

Given that apt policy command says that it does not anything about the wireguard package, we should have seen a proper error message in FreedomBox that this app is not available for your distribution. I wonder why we are seeing that setting related error message instead.

I did ask the Purism forum and found out that WireGuard will be introduced in kernel 5.6. Since I use stable, that probably means months from now. But the good news is that it’s coming.



would it be possible to add the kernel modules for wireguard similar to what ubuntu did with 20.04lts before incorporating the 5.6 kernel? i think it could take too long to wait for that kernel in the stable branch otherwise.