Apps page

Just a note that the FreedomBox web site now has an “Apps” page:

Let us know if you have any suggestions for further improvements to the web site.


My suggestion would be to have translations.

Besides, I looked at the ejabberd page, on the wiki and in the help of the freedombox. Both are lacking translations, they are referring to OMEMO as “only supported by a few clients” while the best supported clients have it, so I would rather change that. Besides, it is listing clients that have not been maintained for several years, with the clients listed in the picture different from the clients listed in the text.

How could I propose an update for this (text and picture) and how to provide a translation?

As described on the wiki Contribute page, “If you wish to contribute to the FreedomBox wiki (and consequently the FreedomBox manual), you can create a wiki account and start editing.”

To create an account, click the “login” button at the top of the wiki homepage, and on the login page you’ll see a link for creating a new account. Account creation is not immediate or automatic; it may take a day or two depending on the availability of the folks who field new account requests.

I use the FindPage link to locate pages (e.g., search term of FreedomBox/Manual/Ejabberd). Once you locate and open a manual page, you can then just click “Edit” (only when logged in) to change the page, preview your changes, and save or cancel. Languages other than English have a prefix (e.g., es/FreedomBox/Manual/Ejabberd).

In addition to the “Edit” button, each page has an “Attachments” button, which is how you upload and manage screenshots and images.

To see how to construct a page, reference an attachment, or achieve a particular formatting effect, just find a page that already does what it is you want to do. The “Preview” and “Cancel” buttons are your friends.

That’s for the wiki and manual. Updating the website, home of the “Apps” page, may involve different steps.

Thanks. I did modifications on the English page for ejabberd.

In “more actions”, can I use “load” to upload a modified version that I edit in a text editor? I am asking because editing in the box that opens when clicking edit is pretty uncomfortable as it is so narrow.

Besides, how to update the list of client apps in plinth? (Xabber does not exist anymore, Yaxim did not have any update since 2018, Monal’s name is “Monal”, not “Monal - XMPP chat”, similar problems with translated pages).

According to Help on Actions for the wiki, “Save” and “Load” under “More Actions:” seem to be what you’re looking for, but I actually haven’t used them myself. I’ve just expanded the edit window (grab and drag lower right corner) or copied the contents of the edit window to an editor, worked with it there, and then pasted it back.

The client app info for plinth is in the manifest file, which is kept in the FreedomBox source code repository (at plinth/modules/ejabberd/, not the wiki. The Contribute Code page describes how to use git to clone the repository and submit changes.