FreedomBox 25.2 released

FreedomBox 25.2 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable.
Typically, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.


  • gnome: Add app to provide a graphical desktop environment
  • sogo: Add a new app for SOGo groupware

Other Changes:

  • action_utils: Implement methods to get/set the systemd boot target
  • apache: Enable expires module by default
  • d/control: Fix incorrect comment format
  • d/copyright: Fix copyright entry for GNOME app icons
  • db: Add more utilities for managing PostgreSQL databases
  • email: Make rspamd learn spam/ham when the user marks mails as junk or not junk.
  • email: Recommend Thunderbird Mobile instead of K-9 Mail
  • firewall, networks, storage: Drop polkit pkla files
  • gnome: Add changes missing from branch merge
  • locale: Updated translations for Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified Han script), Chinese (Traditional Han script), Czech, Dutch, German, Turkish
  • miniflux: Add management of postgresql daemon in a shared manner
  • nextcloud: Drop some dead code
  • nextcloud: tests: functional: Fix test for modified structure of UI
  • nextcloud: tests: functional: Set override domain testing on VM
  • ttrss: Add management of postgresql daemon in a shared manner
  • ttrss: Fix issue with installing after uninstalling
  • ui: Drop the temporary fix for missing popper.js 2.0
  • ui: Fix missing arrow on dropdown form fields
  • ui: Fix tag separator not showing on some machines
  • wordpress: Order daemon enable/disable correctly

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:

  • 109247019824
  • Benedek Nagy
  • Besnik Bleta
  • Burak Yavuz
  • Dietmar
  • ikmaak
  • James Valleroy
  • Jiří Podhorecký
  • pesder
  • Sunil Mohan Adapa
  • 大王叫我来巡山

Great news!

Thanks everyone for the hard work.

Looking forward to the SoGo package.
Hope this’ll provide calendar access through browser :+1:


Indeed, SOGo has a good calendar interface on the browser. I also allows Mobile and Desktop calendar clients through CalDAV and CardDAV interfaces.


Oh amazing! Does it connect to Radicale or is it separate?

SOGo does not depend on Radicale and provides a completely independent implementation with more advanced features. So does Nextcloud.

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Oh amazing ok good to know! Ok to run them at the same time? Would there be any issues with that?

ttrss: Add management of postgresql daemon in a shared manner

Do you suppose that is going to change episodes of high disk load? Hoping so, I know there is another issue open for that. Sometimes postgres is active when I hear the grinding.

This change is not about that. It is about managing start/stop of PostgreSQL daemon when multiple apps using it are enabled/disabled.

Oh amazing ok good to know! Ok to run them at the same time? Would there be any issues with that?

Only one of apps will be automatically discovered by Desktop applications using the /.well-known/ URLs. Right now, the priority is also not well defined. Other than that, there should be no issue with running multiple calendar applications.

Thank you for the heads up!

An issue has been reported with new installation of the Email app in this version of FreedomBox:

So I am waiting for the fix to be merged, before uploading to backports.

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