Thanks for all the great feedback! Overall, I agree with your ideas, and our team has discussed many of these things already. It’s good to know that users are thinking the same things as us.
After “re-learning” old habits like syncing via Dropbox, using google-calendar, saving kontacts in the cloud, … I start tu see the benefits more and more.
Today, dough, a strange thing occurred to me.
My Freedombox was not available via gnuDIP (, and it said the connection is insecure.
Not sure if I was hacked or what the reason of this strange behaviour is.
But what I found out is, that my /boot partition was full, and the upgrade to 19.3 was not properly finished. After deleting some of the older kernels and the things that come with it, I did an apt upgrade, and “username.freedom” did not give me a server not found anymore.
Still can not connect, since my letsencrypt cert is gone, and asking for a new one gave me a
No certificate followed by a
“There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new order :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains: …”
I didn’t ask for a single one, since I had one.
Next week I am allowed to get a new one.
I am looking forward to use my bax again.
My conclusion
The Box has a great potential. Especially with new apps like minidlna and samba.
For nontechnical users there is quite some steps to take. To the convenience of a mobile phone is still quite a walk. We will have a lot of fun to go and get there. Thanks to all the people involved.
Your FreedomBox would automatically keep trying to get a LE certificate. After the renewal window of one week is over, it should succeed in getting a LE cert.
Unattended upgrades is configured to clean up old kernels in the /boot partition. Maybe it was stuck on a failed apt upgrade and couldn’t proceed.
First few days on the freedombox (olimex pioneer edition, running 19.23). So far, quite intuitive. Three problems encountered:
the samba issue, for which the permissions 755 fix is already ready to be in the next release I think
the cockpit blank page issue, which I was able to fix using the forum by adding freedombox.local to the cockpit.conf, and which apparently was not in the issues list yet (added)
port forwarding apparently not working on my router Not a freedombox issue though. I’ll have to call my provider.
You seem like a power user. We hope that in the coming months, you will be able to provide more insights into how to effectively use FreedomBox apps for various purposes and help other users on their journey.
Llevo un par de semanas usando freedombox. En general, me parece maravilloso. Syncthing ha sido todo un descubrimiento y desde mi móvil puedo conectarme a mi red domestica gracias a openVPN. Curiosamente, desde el móvil obtengo una dirección IP en mi red, pero si me conecto desde el ordenador del trabajo, salgo a Internet desde mi red doméstica, peor sigo manteniendo la IP de la oficina y no puedo ver los ordenadores de mi red doméstica.
minimdla y samba funcionaron correctamente el primer día, pero tras actualizarse el sistema, ya no puedo acceder. He comprobado los log y parece que no hay errores, simplemente no se puede acceder. MI servidor tiene dos tarjetas de red, pero una está sin uso. Creo que la cosa va por ahí, pero aún no he desentrañado el misterio.
Otra cosa que he descubierto es que en el servidor XMPP no se pueden crear salas. Yo uso un subdominio de noip()com y creo que por ahí vienen el problema. El una instalación anterior que hice de ejabered, descubrí que me pasaba lo mismo, y lo solucioné cambiando conference.miservidor()com por miservidor()com/conference.
Estoy recomendando freedombox a mis amigos. Es una forma ideal para instalar Matrix y disfrutar de servicios descentralizados.