Element: Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and is set up correctly.

I installed a fresh copy of the latest Debian version with Xfce. I installed Element and get this error:

Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and is set up correctly.

I opened the audio mixer in the system tray and tested the microphone. It recognises input.
I tested the microphone with my XMPP server and Gajim. It works.
I installed Element on another laptop, and got the same result. This other laptop’s microphone also works with Gajim.

Prior to the reinstallation, the microphone worked with no issue.
My Matrix homeserver is self-hosted on a Freedombox Pioneer. The Freedombox has automatic updates enabled, and should be running the latest versions of everything.

Has anyone else had this problem with the Element client or Freedombox?

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Said, check out this thread. The problem is known since Element version 1.11.24. Cheers!

Thank you. I downgraded versions and everything worked again.

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@Said Do you still experience this issue with the latest version 1.11.39?

I’ve been exclusively using an older version since you responded to me without issue, so I haven’t tested the latest version. Are you having the same problem?

Hm okay. Yeah for me the issue still is not resolved in version 1.11.39 – unfortunetely :pensive: .
Thanks for your feedback.