Difference between updating via web interface, via apt upgrade, and apt full-upgrade on freedombox

It seems there are three different variations of upgrading the freedom box.

  1. ssh - sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  2. ssh - sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
  3. webif - click on the update button and wait a very long time

Could someone please explain to me the differe


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nces between these variations of updating your freedombox, and if/how they may differ from updating a regular debian desktop distribution? Just trying to figure out the most effective, secure, and optimized way of updating my box here, and I like to know what my technology is doing in general.

Thanks for any help!


FreedomBox Info

  • FreedomBox version: FreedomBox version 20.19
  • Hardware: Pioneer Freedombox
  • How did you install FreedomBox?: Downloaded stable version iso file and DD’d it to my SD card.

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