Configure Wireguard for Mullvad

Connecting to a Third Party VPN with Freedombox via WireGuard

I got this working and wanted to share what I did with others. I’m not familiar with networking and it’s likely I’ve framed things poorly and might have used the wrong terms. I hope more experienced users will chime in to correct my mistakes. My knowledge is pretty thin.

I already had a Mullvad account. Mullvad allows you to have 5 “devices” defined and I used one of those slots for this setup. I have Freedombox version 24.24 running on a Raspberry Pi 4. Before beginning I installed the Wireguard app on Freedombox.

I followed these steps:
• Log in in to the Mulvad website and go to Mullvad’s Wireguard configuration page Log in | Mullvad VPN
• Click on “Generate key”
• Select an exit location. This is the mullvad server you want to use. For example I chose USA, McAllen TX, us-txc-wg-002
• Under Advanced settings you can see that
the Custom Port is 51820 which is what you want.
You can also configure content blocking if desired
• Click on the button to Download File and save it to your preferred location
(Downloads folder for example).
• This downloaded file gives you what you need to “Add a Connection
to Server” in the Freedombox Wireguard app.
• Let’s say your downloaded config file from Mullvad looks like this (keys and etc have been changed!):

# Device: Weird Panda
PrivateKey = Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=
Address =

PublicKey = Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =

• Now, on your Freedombox, open the Wireguard app (previously installed)
• Click on “Add Connection to Server” near the bottom of the page and fill in the blanks according to the downloaded configuration file as pasted above. For example,
• - Endpoint of the server
• - Public key of the server Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy=
• - Client IP address provided by server
• - Private key of this machine Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=
• - Pre-shared key: — leave this blank
• - Check the box for “Use this connection to send all outgoing traffic”
• - Click on “Add Connection”

Now, what remains is to set up the communication between the end-user machine (e.g. your laptop connected to your LAN) and Freedombox. On the Freedombox side, in the Wireguard app, you’ll “Add an Allowed Client” and on the end-user machine you’ll configure Wireguard accordingly. There is a Wireguard app on both Mac and Windows. I’m pretty sure on Linux, you’ll need to configure via the command line.

My test end-user machine is an old iMac. I got the Wireguard app from Apple’s app store. For your device, use the installation info from Installation - WireGuard. Now,
• Launch Wireguard on the end-user machine
• Create an empty tunnel
– This will create a private/public keypair
– Just leave this wireguard configuration window open while you set up the client information on Freedombox.
• In the Wireguard app on Freedombox, click on “Add Allowed Cient”
• Enter the public key you’ve got from from the end-user wireguard app.
• Click “Add Client” on the Freedombox

The resulting client information on Freedombox gives you what you need to fill in the empty tunnel on the end-user wireguard app. To see all the client information at once, click on the link for the connection you just created. You’ll see the IP address, the endpoint, and the freedombox server public key.

Let’s say the client information generated by Freedombox looks like this:

Client public key: 3uzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=
IP address to use for client:
Pre-shared key: None
Server endpoints: freedombox.local:51820
Server public key: njnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn=

In addition, you’ll also use the DNS address that was given in the Mullvad configuration file “DNS =”
And when you created an empty tunnel on the end-user machine, Wireguard created the corresponding private key, for example
You’ll see that, pre-populated, in Wireguard on the end-user machine. Below, I used the endpoint freedombox.local:51820 but you can also use the dotted quad IP address of your freedombox e.g. or whatever it may be on your LAN.

Here’s the correctly formatted infomation from above pasted into the end-user Wireguard app.
PrivateKey = wNppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp=
ListenPort = 51820
Address =

PublicKey = njnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = freedombox.local:51820

And then check the box for “Exclude Private IPs”
• Click Save for the end-user Wireguard tunnel configuration
• ‘Activate’ the end-user Wireguard tunnel

Ideally you should now have a working tunnel to your Freedombox and from the Freedombox to Mullvad. To test, go to and see if it says that you’re using Mullvad in the top banner.

It’s fairly awkward for me to write this clearly. There are so many
keys, computers, and interfaces. Note that the Freedombox Wireguard app creates two interfaces. In this scenario, there is an internal interface which communicates inside the LAN to your end-user machine. There is also an external interface which is forwarding all traffic to the Mullvad server over the internet. Each of these interfaces supports a Wireguard Peer with its own Public Key. So, yes there are two public keys needed to complete this setup.

In short, the Freedombox Wireguard app creates an internal network interface that acts as a wireguard server inside your LAN for a client on your end-user machine. The external Freedombox network interface is acting as a client to the Mullvad server on the internet. I think that’s right.


@bebop - you’re sharing private keys in this post. I’m going to flag it in case you don’t see this reply promptly. Please, for your own security…

  1. Remove the PrivateKey information in this post. It is okay to write “PrivateKey = xxx…” in the future. We’ll know what you mean.
  2. Now that you have this working, you should change your key pairs because they are compromised. You’ll have to do that on both the client side and server side. Sorry.
  3. Then we’ll help :slight_smile:
  4. If it just got more complicated because you need to change your keys, we’ll help with that too.

Please take care of yourself first and then we can give you a hand.

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Thanks, @joseph. I’ve edited my post so I think that should be okay.
I’ve changed things on my side… so the connection is re-secured.

Super! I can’t unflag the post, but the mods will probably scan the thread and see this is sorted. Now I’ll read the rest of the post!

I’m not familiar with networking…

I think I disagree. You’ve set up a VPN on both sides of FreedomBox, route your home internet traffic through that and then regenerated all your VPN connection key pairs. This is a FreedomBox success story!

Hi @bebop

For someone who’s reading your post and never used WireGuard, it might be a good idea to point that subscribing to a third party service as MulladVPN is not necessary. Wireguard is completely capable to help you access your Freedombox from outside your network via any capable device with no third party necessary.

I appreciate the details you’ve given. To further support your post, it might help to provide some subtitles (i.e. Connecting to a Third Party VPN with Freedombox via WireGuard / Accessing Freedombox via WireGuard)

Thanks and cheers.

Good point, @Ged296123. There are at least these two scenarios of use, aren’t there?

Some years ago, I first tried to use Wireguard to access my freedombox while traveling away from home. I never got that working… but with this victory, I’ll be trying it again. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@joseph you are kind. I was very much helped by the Freedombox web UI.

Also, a conceptual breakthrough for me was to see the wireguard network interfaces under System>Networks.

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That is a great observation. You have physical device interfaces in your ethernet and wifi. Once you create the VPNs these are virtual devices available to the system on “equal footing” with the hardware devices. That’s an important concept using FreedomBox and Debian. You can find this concept used other places such as loopback filesystems, virtual network devices, virtual filesystems, and even entire virtual systems.

Notes on adding a Linux Peer

I set up a second peer on my internal LAN using my Ubuntu end-user machine. This works the same as what I posted above, but there is no GUI; you use the command line. As above, I may not have done things in the best way possible, but perhaps this will get you started.

Install wireguard
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireguard

Setup a wireguard directory
mkdir -m 0700 /etc/wireguard/

Generate keypair
cd /etc/wireguard
umask 077
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
cat privatekey
cat publickey

Create wg0.conf file in /etc/wireguard.
This is the config file corresponding to the wg0 interface.
I exported the configuration that I created above. Only two things need to be changed. You’ll use the new privatekey you just generated and the new IP Address that you’ll get from the Freedombox Wireguard app. The other entries will stay the same.

Start the Wireguard Service
sudo wg-quick up wg0
And with this you should be up and running.

DNS Leak
As above, I checked at Connection check | Mullvad VPN and Mullvad showed that I was leaking my DNS requests. To hunt down the problem I used resolvectl status which showed that my wireless network interface (on my machine, called wlp3s0) was still using the DNS from my home router. I used this command to set it to Mullvad’s DNS service
resolvectl dns wlp3s0
This solved my DNS Leak problem… and my second peer (within my LAN) is now working. I hope this helps… it was easier the second time through!