About this Contributor Invite:
- Task Area: Coding
- Effort rating: 1/5
- Skills required: Python
Description of the Problem:
Currently, there are two IPv6 based diagnostics tests that always fail when diagnostics are from the module Diagnostics in System menu. Under Module: diagnostics
, the following 2 tests are failing:
Listening on tcp6 port 8000
Access URL http://[fe80::...%eth0]/plinth/ on tcp6
Users are getting confused by the failing test.
What we ask of you:
Fix the two issues which are making those diagnostics fail. Note the following instructions for fixing these issues:
Listening on tcp6 port 8000
. FreedomBox does not listen on IPv6 addresses and only listens on IPv4. CherryPy the web server that FreedomBox uses does not seem to have the ability to listen on IPv4 local address and IPv6 local address simultaneously. So, just remove this diagnostics test. -
Access URL http://[fe80::...%eth0]/plinth/ on tcp6
. There seems to be an issue with the way curl accesses IPv6 link local address and redirections are performed. Hence, avoid redirection by using thehttps
URL in the diagnostic test. This should fix the issue.
Link to the issue in GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/plinth/issues/1519
How to claim this Contributor Invite :
Do you want to accept this invitation to contribute? If so, follow these steps:
- Comment on this forum post indicating that you would like to claim the invite. This will prevent multiple people from working on the same issue at the same time.
- Register an account with our GitLab instance and begin making your contributions on the GitLab issue page for this task. You can use the comment section of this forum post to ask questions, but the bulk of the development discussion should happen on GitLab.
If you need help with this issue, please feel free to ask for it from members of our core team:
- Sunil Mohan Adapa (@sunil): Lead Developer & Code Reviewer
- Joseph Nuthalapati (@njoseph): DevOps Engineer, Developer, & Code Reviewer
- James Valleroy (@jvalleroy) : Release Manager, Developer, & Code Reviewer