I have a domain name for my Freedombox but I can’t set FreedomBox Service (Plinth) as Webserver Home Page, if I do I get Bad Request (400) error. I have ssh access to the server but I don’t know how to fix this.
I have had it working before.
I have a domain name for my Freedombox but I can’t set FreedomBox Service (Plinth) as Webserver Home Page, if I do I get Bad Request (400) error. I have ssh access to the server but I don’t know how to fix this.
I have had it working before.
Can you check the logs for plinth and for apache2 to see if there are any errors shown when the 400 error appears? You can check it using Cockpit (or using journalctl in SSH).
I get this from cockpit:
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ‘subdomain.example.com, example.com’. The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035.
I have another subdomain that works fine with the same address, they are both on the same LAN
only Apache Default works as Webserver Home Page, if I use Tor I can change it to FreedomBox Service (Plinth) by putting plinth at the end but on clearnet I get the Bad Request (400) error
Cockpit works as Webserver Home Page, everything else I have tried gives the 400 error
I had bad Nginx config, I can get Webserver Home Page now but Nextcloud says “offline”, it used to be “file not found”
Nextcloud was ok for some time at the beginning
I got everything working now, even Nextcloud