Can users access Samba while not on freedom boxes wifi?

Hi, I have my freedom box connected to my main router using an ethernet cable, and was wondering if it was possible for users connected to my main router to still access files stored on a hard drive connected to the freedom box using samba without needing to connect to the actual freedom box.

Perhaps I would need to forward some ports?

Thanks, Nicholas.

Hello Nicholas,

I noticed your earlier post and responded to it asking for some additional details to better understand your setup and goals. It seems we now have two threads on a similar topic.

To address your current query: if your FreedomBox is connected to your main router via Ethernet, users on the same network should indeed be able to access files on a hard drive connected to your FreedomBox using Samba. This setup typically wouldn’t require port forwarding.

Once your Samba shares are configured, users can access them using the following paths:

  • For open shares: smb://[FreedomBox local IP address or name]/[Name of drive]/
  • For home shares: smb://[FreedomBox local IP address or name]/[Name of drive]_home/

It would be helpful if you could share more details about your current setup as per my initial response, to provide you with the most accurate assistance.


My apologies, about creating two posts on the same topic, I had completely forgotten that I had.
To clarify, I am using a olimex pioneer freedombox with the newest , connected as described in the main post.
Thanks for helping!

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