App Storage Diagnostic Message

Hello everybody,

the Diagnostic send me this message:

Command ‘[‘dpkg-query’, ‘–show’, ‘–showformat=${db:Status-Abbrev}’, ‘grub-pc’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

I use a USB stick for the backups. Do I have to do something, I see Grub in the message… Is this something serious?

FreedomBox version 24.17
RaspberryPi 4
using a cloud image

I have exactly the same on two freedombox (both Olinuxino Lime 2, one with SSD). Then I suspect there is a bug affecting everyone.

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This test was recently added to check if ‘grub-pc’, the boot loader for FreedomBox AMD/Intel machines, is in good installed state.

Looks like I made a mistake when modifying this patch done by @jvalleroy. We should have ignored this error on non-AMD/Intel machines. So, if you not using an AMD/Intel machine. Please ignore this issue. A fix will rollout in 2-3 weeks.