App / Feature Requests and General Feedback

Overall Impressions

Things I like

  • Setup experience was amazing. It’s like using Windows, but in all the right ways.
  • I really appreciate the way it provides appropriate login URLs on boot.
  • Seems to be very efficient with system resources

Things I dislike

  • The self-signed certificates remain invalid once I set up a domain name. I feel you assumed everyone would want to use LetsEncrypt - I am 100% against using a CA.
  • The only way Cockpit works with ScriptSafe is to disable the extension while logging in, then re-enable. Not a big deal at all.
  • boot seems to hang on loading SCSI drives and bluetooth firmware problems. Will report where appropriate if I can reproduce.
  • I changed my mind on DMZ and took a while to locate the setting (I had to re-declare that my FBX was behind a router before the DMZ question was presented again. Looked for ages.)

App Request

  • IPFS - This program was mentioned (positively) on these forums once in 2019 and has undergone major improvements since then. I can’t think of another application better suited for Freedombox.

Feature Request

  • Please have Freedombox regenerate any self-signed certificates when the domain name is entered/changed in Settings. I don’t wish to use LetsEncrypt (or any other CA) and am stuck with SSL certs which reflect my Hostname instead of the FQDN.