Apache, MySQL, PHP development environment

Having found a reference in the Manual to PHP, am I correct in assuming PHP and MySQL can be set up on a FreedomBox? Almost daily, I use a WAMP stack (WampServer) on a Windows 10 PC as my website development environment. And through my cPanel web hosting reseller account, I host about 30 small business websites. My intention would be to host a few personal websites on the FreedomBox just to see how it all works.

By default, PHP and Apache are setup on FreedomBox. This means that you can place your files in /var/www/html and they will be served with proper domain setup and auto-managed Let’s Encrypt certificates etc.

If you want MySQL as well, you can run sudo apt install mysql-server in SSH terminal or web terminal via Cockpit.

Be sure to let us know how it goes :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response. If I don’t get overwhelmed by medical bills following a recent surgery, I’ll order a FreedomBox later this month.

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