About the Contributor Invites category

About this category:

This category is for Contributor Invites: small, approachable tasks that the FreedomBox community needs help with. Members of the FreedomBox Core Team will post requests for help with design, development, documentation, and testing tasks; these tasks will be referred to as “Contributor Invites.” We will invite new contributors to work on these issues as a gateway into the FreedomBox contributor community. The purpose of this category is to make it easy for new contributors to join our team.

Each topic in this category will be a unique “Contributor Invite,” posted by a member of the FreedomBox team. New contributors can post questions in the comments section of each topic. Members of the team will answer questions and guide you!

How posts in this category are managed:

Posts are created by individual members of the FreedomBox team. When a team member identifies a task that is appropriate for the Contributor Invites program, they will create a post in this category, filling in the information according to the template that is configured for this category. In cases where there is an insufficient number of new Contributor Invites, @sunil has volunteered to manage this category.

Once an invite has been claimed or completed, the assignee should comment on the thread noting that the invite has been claimed or completed. Next, members of the FreedomBox core team will edit the title of the post to indicate that it is [CLAIMED] or [COMPLETED].

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