XMPP: Cannot send attachments

No puedo enviar ni recibir archivos adjuntos a través de XMPP. He buscado una solución en los foros y he localizo esta:

  1. ¡Expanda su certificado de letencrypt:
    sudo certbot certonly -d mydomain.net -d conference.mydomain.net -d upload.mydomain.net -d pubsub.mydomain.net -d proxy.mydomain.net -d echo.mydomain.net -d conference.mydomain.net --standalone
    no olvidar reiniciar apache2 después de eso, por supuesto!

No me he atrevido a hacerlo,porque mi servidor Matrix funciona perfectamente, y como comparten certificado, me da miedo que después de ésta prueba, falle.

¿Alguien ha tenido éste problema y le ha funcionado la solución? Alguna sugerencia?

Google English translation:

I cannot send or receive attachments through XMPP. He looked for a solution in the forums and found this:

  1. Expand your letencrypt certificate:
    sudo certbot certonly -d mydomain.net -d conference.mydomain.net -d upload.mydomain.net -d pubsub.mydomain.net -d proxy.mydomain.net -d echo.mydomain.net -d conference.mydomain. net --standalone
    don’t forget to restart apache2 after that of course!

I have not dared to do it, because my Matrix server works perfectly, and as it is certified itself, I am afraid that after this test, it will fail.

Has anyone had this problem and has the solution worked for them? Any suggestion?

It’s working at my place with both synapse and ejabberd working.
but you cite only an excerpt of the solution. The point is that some xmpp clients seem to refuse upload without valid ssl encryption running. So it might be that without those subdomains file upload won’t ever work properly. But I’m not absolutely sure.

It may instead be that it suffices that you change the tls option in your /etc/ejabberd.yml to true. But that will probably break jsxc as it can’t connect to bosh server anymore. I.e.:

    - port: 5443
      ip: "::"
      module: ejabberd_http
        "/api": mod_http_api
        "/bosh": mod_bosh
        "/upload": mod_http_upload
        "/ws": ejabberd_http_ws
        ## captcha: true
        ## register: true
      tls: true ## <--- Damn! 'true' breaks bosh, 'false'  breaks http_upload.
      ciphers: 'TLS_CIPHERS'
      protocol_options: 'TLS_OPTIONS'
      web_admin: true

(source where we discussed that before)

TLS change from true to false does not work. I do not dare to renew the certificate in the way I said earlier, I will wait to see if another solution appears.

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