Can I reach the files on my SD-Card /dev/sda1?

Is there a way, how I can reach and change the content on my SD-Card? I want to save some pictures and reach them at another location. If not, it would be great to have something like a file browser for the freedombox.

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Good question! Others have been curious about this before.

If you want to modify the files in the freedombox’s system file directory, you will need to use SSH in the terminal. FreedomBox does not currently offer a UI-based file manager.

But we have discussed the idea, and some of us support it. Read more about that discussion here: Idea: File Manager within FreedomBox

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If we want, that the freedombox is something or the everyday user, it should have a file browser.

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I agree with you. Our development team will discuss this matter when it can. But our developers are currently busy with other tasks and are doing their best!

and as it is free software, they decide what they are working at.

As FreedomBox is a project for social cause, we attempt to identify what users need the most and try to work on it. Our current tasks are those that we believe are high priority from this perspective. There have been some users who also asked for file manger before. We are in need of help from more contributors.

I have found two relatively easy ways to use the file manager (Thunar/Nemo on GNU/Linux) to access files on the SD-card.

1. Using sftp (clearnet)

sftp allows one to easily copy files from the computer to the FreedomBox server and vice verse.

In the path bar of the file manager on your computer, type the following:


Of course you have to change FBXUSER to your FreedomBox user name and @FBX.ADDRESS to the address of your FreedomBox server without the https:// prefix (e.g., or

When prompted, type in the password for the FreedomBox user. You can now use the file manager as you normally would.

2. sshfs (either clearnet or over Tor)

This worked on Debian Buster. On your computer, install sshfs:

$ sudo apt-get install sshfs

On your computer, make a mount directory, for example:

$ mkdir -p ~/mount/fbx

Now connect to FreedomBox server using sshfs. Essential is the -o allow_other parameter in order to access the mounted directory from your computer.

$ sshfs -o allow_other FBXUSER@FBX.ADDRESS:/home/FBXUSER/ ~/mount/fbx/

Of course you have to change FBXUSER to your FreedomBox user name and @FBX.ADDRESS to the address of your FreedomBox server (e.g., or or @ONIONADDRESS.onion for Tor).

You can now use the file manager as you normally would for a mounted file system.

NB If you get the error “fusermount: option allow_other only allowed if ‘user_allow_other’ is set in /etc/fuse.conf”, on your computer open /etc/fuse.conf in, e.g., nano and uncomment the “user_allow_other”:

$ sudo nano /etc/fuse.conf

# Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.


I am not at home. I will try it, when i am at home.