[SOLVED] Terminal in Cockpit no letters, only boxes

as you can see on the screeshot there are no letters shown in the Teminal. Access via Tor…

  • FreedomBox is plugged into a router
  • 2018 Olimex.com
  • Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) und FreedomBox Version 21.4.4.

Hello again,
i have found the solution. Protection against identifiers (fingerprinters) must be explicitly permitted for this website. (Top left of the Tor Browser address bar). Probably everyone here knew that except me. Sorry for the question. So this problem is solved


No, I had no idea. I would not assume that others know this.

We may want to add it to the manual page: FreedomBox/Manual/Cockpit - Debian Wiki

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I didn’t know it. I restarted Freedombox and it solved the issue. I also restarted Tor Browser.

Sorry, I think it had nothing to do with Protection against identifiers (fingerprinters) that the letters are displayed as boxes. When I change the size of the font in the terminal, it becomes visible.